Leatherman Charge TTi Multi ToolBrand: Leatherman

Weight: 8.89 oz

Dimensions: Closed: 4″; primary blade length; 2.9″

Material: S30V, 420HC stainless steel, and titanium

Main Features: Leatherman Charge TTi is the combination of models Al and ALX, which were very popular for their sturdy construction and seamless mechanisms. In addition to the already known Charge features, this model also comes with a clip-point knife and titanium handle scales.

Use: This multi tool can perform all sorts of survival actions and it’s also an excellent choice for hunting, camping, and small repairs around the house.

Price: $169.95


Leatherman Charge TTi is a very serious piece of survival equipment. It offers significant upgrades compared to the previous models and some new features as well. You can basically look at it as Charge AL and ALX put into one mean multi tool. Experienced survival experts will definitely know what we’re talking about.

When it comes to the actual tools, Leatherman Charge TTi features needlenose and regular pliers, wire and hard-wire cutters, crimper, S30V knife and 420C serrated knife, saw, cutting hook, wood/metal file, spring-action scissors, large and small bit drivers, diamond-coated file, medium screwdriver, bottle opener, ruler, lanyard ring (regular and quick-release), can opener, and replaceable pocket clip.

420HC stainless steel used to make the serrated knife is an excellent material for high-production tooling.The knife is additionally hardened by a high-intensity heat treatment. S30V is a powder-made stainless steel used to produce the main blade. The material is extremely corrosion-resistant and holds the edge up to 6 times longer than your traditional 420 stainless steel. It does require an expert sharpener, though. Titanium has the same properties as steel with only 60% density, which makes the multi tool lighter and more comfortable to carry in your pocket.

Leatherman Charge TTi Multi Tool Review
Updated :05.01.2024.
Rating : 9.5/10
Pro Survivalist Pro Survivalist is built on the knowledge and experiences of people who have learned the hardest life lessons firsthand. Learn how to eliminate fear, stay prepared, and become a true master of survival.