Author: proadmin1209


7 Uses Of Rope

The biggest testament to the importance of a good rope in an SHTF scenario is our advice to prepare a lot of it. Read our mini guide about the best potential uses for a reliable rope in a survival setting.

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making a bed

6 Steps To Make Your Bed In The Wild

Comfort will be the least of your worries once a calamity starts ripping through your neighborhood. Read our comprehensive manual on making functional and lifesaving bedding in the great outdoors.

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Machetes For Survival

6 Best Machetes For Survival

Depending on your immediate surroundings and the path to your bug our shelter, a good machete can be a true lifesaver. Read our guide on the matter for further info and our list of prominent recommendations.

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Pro Survivalist Pro Survivalist is built on the knowledge and experiences of people who have learned the hardest life lessons firsthand. Learn how to eliminate fear, stay prepared, and become a true master of survival.